I woke up at 4 in the morning a couple of nights ago and channel surfed until stopping at the
Slim in 6 infomercial. I immediately was excited because the chicks were losing lots of weight real quick. I want to lose 10 pounds in a week too! I've been piling on the pounds, which usually takes place for me around this time of year, so I whipped out the debit card ready to pay 4 installments of $19.95. I let a couple more chicks share their successes before I looked in the corner and saw the Bender Ball that was gonna give me ripped abs and the Taebo tapes that were gonna sculpt and tone me that I haven't used in years. Literally, years. I stopped and piece together in my mind a workout regimen that will work for me over the holidays. I've got some after Christmas sales that I am looking forward to and refuse to purchase any "holiday sizes." What's your get fit/stay fit strategy?
First! Always start with the simple fact/statement: If you eat a little less and move a little more, you lose weight...no way around it. So, start with that and you'll see some results. Results will always keep you motivated...
Second! Keep it quick and easy: Since I know you, I know you're on the grind, trying to make things happen. We don't have time to spend forever in a gym! I try to keep my body right and I'm always accused of being a gym rat. On the contrary, my workout is about 1 hour 3-4 times per week (2-3 is fine too). EVERYONE has an hour (or has something less important they can give up to get one).
Break it up into aprox 10min-stretching (ALWAYS warm-up and stretch!!), 30min-cardio (treadmill, elliptical, spinning), and 20-25min focusing on your target areas with weights (3 sets of 10-20 on 3 or 4 weights/machines is ENOUGH!)
-Some sort of roll-out wheel (on your knees, hand on each side, rolling forward) is THE BEST thing for abs! It's not easy to start, but worth getting used to it, even if you start with just 3 sets of 5 (I do 3 sets of 20). It exercises your entire torso and gives you a flat, inwardly turned stomach.
-Whatever you choose for 30min of cardio, make sure that by minute 20-25 you feel you might not be able to finish. Good way to know you're getting a good workout.
-I do 30min of running (cardio), then 3 sets of 15-20 of the butterfly (chest), lat pull-down (back, sides), free-weights (arms), and my ab roll-out wheel...just in case you wanted to know and have a starting point...
Hope some of this helps you. Print it out and make it a priority and you can't go wrong. It's only an hour :o)
Oh, and try to find some social and physical hobbies that are fun for you. I also rock climb, rollerblade (when it's warmer), and I'd like to start swimming somewhere. It's always better when you're having fun!
Let me know if you have questions...
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