I've been going through my portfolio and comparing my stylings from the past to what I have done recently. These are photos taken, circa February 2011, of my other biff who often lets me play dress up on her. These photos are for a print ad audition. Mimi, ever the minimalist, is chic in her satin chinos, J.Crew cashmere sweater, and bright orange corduroy blazer. Each time I put a look together for her I think Calvin Klein. I'm preparing her red carpet debut and Calvin is on the rack! Stay tuned...
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Quiet on the set!
I had the opportunity to work with Dan Adams, director of New York's Flyest, this past weekend. We were in NY's Union Square popping and locking for nostalgia's sake. Well, for me it was nostalgia, for rest, it was work. The movie is focused around a 90's female dance ensemble who find themselves in several situations leading up to an important tryout. A teaser for the film was shot and I styled 3 of the dancers. Others in the photos came dressed as background. Three particularly fly fellas known as the "cool kids" came with impressive high top fades, Adidas, and Malcolm X throwback sweatshirts who were, indeed, the cool kids!
Dancers: Kayla, Yasmine, Sharley
Kudos to all who participated! It was freezing!!
Sunday, February 27, 2011
My muse
I have had the pleasure of styling my biff since the days of friday night lights more than 10 years ago! I've seen her through winter formals to homecoming court to the most coveted night of our high school career... prom! I have helped her graduate her style from being voted "most popular" to now being "most likely to win an Academy award."
As an aspiring actress, her journey has become my portfolio. I've counseled the head shots, pulled together looks for her auditions, and styled and directed impromptu photoshoots for her facebook and twitter pages. Finally, OUR her red carpet premiere. We worked on a tight budget of "girl, I have to find something from F21 because I have a store credit there." I found this emerald, ruched, flirty dress that she was skeptical of and needed some encouraging to go with it and give it a shot. The color complemented her and the dress gave her curves that she hadn't seen prior to this night! I wish I had piled more bangles. #hindsight. I paired the dress with her sky high Steve Madden pumps that have a close resemblance to the YSL tribtoo pumps.
She looked stunning.
I have an image to uphold, of course, after being voted "Ms. GQ" class of '99.
Work it, B!
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Free falling
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Rockin' trendy over tha knee! (OTK)
Top: Forever21, OTK's: Wet Seal
Stacy London (What Not To Wear) says tall boots make short chicks look like they are standing in buckets.... Cute buckets ;-)
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Get a job...check!
Awe yeah, awe yeah! So, I lost my job at the boutique in Atlanta almost 1/2 a year ago. I was upset for a good month, got over it and knew that something better was on the horizon.... What's better than New York!? I knew I wanted to make my way back here so I started applying for jobs online and hoped, wished, and definitely prayed that something would happen.
She called today and told me it's mine! I get a salary, health benefits, 401k, and CLOTHING DISCOUNT! Here's what I wore to my interview.
Wool jacket was a steal from T.J.Maxx from like 5 years ago for $20,
3 string necklace from the boutique,
Long sleeve shirt: Walmart
Pencil skirt: Kohls
Tights: Old Navy
Boots: Anne Klein
Monday, January 4, 2010
2010 To Do
So much has happened since the last time I was here! I moved from Atlanta, spent 2 fantastic weeks at home for the holidays with my family, moved back to NY (2nd times the charm!), rang in the new year with my besties, and scratched skiing off my 2010 to do list. Whew! Now I'm squatting at the besties until I find the perfect place in Harlem, USA.
Blog more consistently
Shop more sensibly
Find the perfect apartment
Find the perfect job
Live, Laugh, and find Love!
I'm excited about the big changes that I feel are on the horizon for 2010. It'll be a struggle, but I'm looking forward to it. I'll keep things posted for every step of this journey!
1 month of clothes and accessories in the corner of my dear Mimi's room. Notice my comfy bed in the mirror.
Blog more consistently
Shop more sensibly
Find the perfect apartment
Find the perfect job
Live, Laugh, and find Love!
I'm excited about the big changes that I feel are on the horizon for 2010. It'll be a struggle, but I'm looking forward to it. I'll keep things posted for every step of this journey!
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Get ripped quick!

Saturday, December 5, 2009
Brrrr it's cold out here.... O, E, O, E ice, ice,ice
It's currently 36 degrees in Atlanta and I can't take it! My fingers are chilled, toes feeling frost bit, the tip of my nose is colder than Frosty's, and my chattering teeth just need lyrics to accompany them. I am so super cold and my mind won't stop thinking about the temperatures ahead of me. If I can't handle this bit of chill down here in the dirty, dirty, how will I be able to handle New York smack dab in the beginning of winter!?! I can't remember how I did it the first time around as a New York city resident, only can remember that it indeed was dreadfully cold. I'm putting together my "must haves" for the winter wardrobe and here are a few of the looks that I'm thinking will keep me warm and of course keep me fly.

I like the yellow coat to add a pop of color to a dreary season. This way there is sunshine daily. The black coats are versatile options that can be worn over casual attire and office wear.
These two faux fur options will keep me as toasty as the rabbits that the look emulates. The second hat is easily transferable as a scarf which adds versatility to a chick on a budget's wardrobe. The cotton beret is every fashionable girl's winter must have.

Rain boots are gonna be the best option to keep my toes warm when I'm trudging along the city streets in 20 degree weather in search for the perfect uptown abode. I'll toss on a pair of cashmere socks and should be in good shape to face the city chill.
By the way, being from Michigan doesn't automatically make my skin thick to sustain winter weather! Cold is cold and I have never gotten used to that.
Images: urbanoutfitters.com, shopbop.com, neimanmarcus.com, victoriassecret.com, and style.com
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Women wear Menswear
I love dressing in menswear. It feels so sexy. I used to (still do) daydream about having a boyfriend and preparing breakfast in his sleepshirt while he wore the pajama bottoms. I have a piece of item from the boyfriends of the past that I easily incorporate into my wardrobe. I've definitely reached the point of moving on from each of them, but I keep the clothes because I deserve something outta the time I devoted. Right? Right.
Men's button up provided by an old flame, belted with a $5 H&M steal,
stirrup leggings purchased at TJ Maxx ages ago,
riding boots: Urban Outfitters,
mens watch: Kohls,
two finger Fabulous ring: Charlotte Russe
I'm still getting the hang of this blogging business. In the process of my upgrade I'm working on getting a new camera, something with a better quality than the Fuji I'm working with at the moment. The goal is a Nikon Rebel, but that may not happen until sometime next year. I'm also working on Photoshop and some creative outlets to zjuzjh up the page! I'm a fan of many blogs and I want mine to stand amongst some of my faves!
Monday, November 30, 2009
Once you go black
I love this time of year. Fall is the beginning of the best fashions, serious relationships, and the best holidays! I had a great time with mi familia over the Thanksgiving holiday. We did a little black Friday browsing after we shut the club down and wandered into Toys R Us at 4 a.m.
Are little girls playing Ouija games these days? It wasn't so delicate and sweet when I dabbled in the game. It was creepy and spooky and kept hidden under the bed. I almost peed my pants when I realized there's a truth behind this. I asked the spirits for a sign and got one. I never messed with the game again.
This is what I remember as sweet and innocent. My younger sister was the lucky one to get the oven. It was fun for the first 10 minutes, but the novelty wore off very quickly.
After we browsed the toy store, we went home and got detoxified then checked out the afternoon specials. I'm typically a "black Friday" deal shopper everytime I shop, but I walked away with this cute faux fur vest from Charlotte Russe, 25% off, in black. My little sister got a hot pair of ballerina esque pumps that I wanted so badly, but my size wasn't available. I'm gonna check for them in MI so keep your fingers crossed for me.
I hope everyone had a fantastic holiday, now it's time to deck the halls!
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Cuckoo for Coco
Chanel that is.
I've got to get my hands on one of these handbags. It's time to incorporate Chanel into my wardrobe. My sights are set and I have gone too long in this world without owning an exquisite piece of art. Chanel 2.55 purchase in 2010... 'Cause a girl's gotta be "classy & fabulous."
Trash to Treasure
Girlfriend's giveaway sweaterdress, Banana Republic cuff, Hue tights, Urban Outfitters boots
My favorite fall staple, hands down, are my tights! I love, love, LOVE them! I can wear my sweaterdress this short because my tights tighten up those thighs and hold in the tummy. I would never wear this length dress without my tights, I'd be pulling and tugging at the darn thing all night.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
50 first dates
The first date is a big deal. It's not just about meeting the man that you're crossing your fingers and hoping he'd be the inevitable Mr. Right, but if he is indeed Mr. Right, you have to be stunning! There are tons of components to pulling a date night look together. Focus on 4 of the W's: who, when, what, and where?

Who do you wanna be? Are you the party girl, the sophisticate, the high maintenance, the hippie, or the casual chick for your night out? Choose which of your styles you want to play up for this first date to narrow down choices for the look.
When is your date? Is it Friday night at 8 or Saturday brunch? Any plans before the sun goes down should be casual chic. Your best jeans with a flattering top and wedges works for brunch, picnic in the park, matinees, and hanging out at the zoo. When the sun is gone it's time for high heels and high hemlines and pile on the accessories. Have fun with the evening look and you'll be more apt to have fun on the date!
When is your date? Is it Friday night at 8 or Saturday brunch? Any plans before the sun goes down should be casual chic. Your best jeans with a flattering top and wedges works for brunch, picnic in the park, matinees, and hanging out at the zoo. When the sun is gone it's time for high heels and high hemlines and pile on the accessories. Have fun with the evening look and you'll be more apt to have fun on the date!
What/Where are you going and what will you be doing on the date? It's gonna matter what your date night locale is in order to be comfortable. You don't necessarily want to toss on your sexy lbd and drip in fabulous jewelry to play air hockey at Dave & Busters! The lbd is reserved for fine dining, the Phantom of the Opera, then grooving the night away at a swanky uptown lounge. If you're not sure what and where the date is, go for comfort and something that is transitional. Comfort absolutely does not mean sweats or anything that you'd wear to run errands in. Comfort on a date should be fashionable wear accessorized. Here is a date night look that I rocked without knowing where the night would lead.
Victoria Secret bra, blouse from the boutique I managed, F21 cardigan, H&M leggings, Tommy Hilfiger boots, all jewelry (besides studs) F21.
I ended up spending the evening on a typical dinner and a movie night out, but could have transitioned to having cocktails and two stepping after ditching the cardigan.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
She's baaa-aack!

I've been away far too long! Lots of things have happened in the year's time of being away from blogging. I had a fantastic job running an upscale clothing boutique where I had carte blanche buying, merching, event planning, website developing... in short, it was mine all mine!!!! Then I lost it all. Too many variables that I had no control over (I'll elaborate in another post).
Since losing my fab paycheck job, I've caught up on some rest, Project Runway, Rachel Zoe, Housewives of Atlanta, facebook, Wendy Williams (how you doin?), and have cyber stalked clever and brilliant fashion blogs. I'm finally ready to upgrade my blog! I've got tons of new ideas for my future, career, and great ideas for this blog. I hope you can dig it.
xxx (kiss, kiss, kiss)
One of my new favorite blogs that I've been cyber stalking, Heights of Fashion, gave me an honorable mention for sending in photos of a style inspiration of mine, Genevieve Jones. Check me out!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Missing in Action

I've been M.I.A!! My apologies. I've had the opportunity to work on another side of the fashion curtain. I'll share those moments in another blog, but speaking of M.I.A, let's explore! The Sri Lanka native whose beats are head bobbing and fashion is head turning, has a style of her own. Anytime I've seen MIA, I have not been surprised with her choice of style. It's off the wall, loud, colorful, and to some can be considered obnoxious, but it is her style. Can someone look at you and know what your style is? It's nice to have a signature. It's what will make you stand out from the rest of the brood. It can be anything from a piece of jewelry to your whole image. Take a moment to look at your wardrobe and determine what your signature is. 

Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Rain, rain go away! No, stay...
Because I have some pretty fly water repellent. There aren't many things more aggravating than spending the day in wet socks or jeans! The hair can be saved, but there isn't much to do about soggy socks other than stand under a restroom hand dryer. It is essential to tote an umbrella with you for rainy days, but two other important investments are a rain coat an
d rain boots.
We've come a long way with stylish boots. My grandfather used to sport galoshes that he threw on top of his shoes. Today that look is so very taboo. You can choose from a variety of rain boots, booties, and shoes. You can get a pair that are sleek with a pointy toe or round toes with fun designs. Whichever style you choose, your tootsies stay warm and dry.

For the rainy day that just won't go away, cover up your fit in a rain coat. There are many variations to this number as well. Long, short, cropped... It depends on how dry and fly you'd like to be.

We've come a long way with stylish boots. My grandfather used to sport galoshes that he threw on top of his shoes. Today that look is so very taboo. You can choose from a variety of rain boots, booties, and shoes. You can get a pair that are sleek with a pointy toe or round toes with fun designs. Whichever style you choose, your tootsies stay warm and dry.

For the rainy day that just won't go away, cover up your fit in a rain coat. There are many variations to this number as well. Long, short, cropped... It depends on how dry and fly you'd like to be.
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